
The Church of England approves blessing (but not marrying) gay couples

The Church of England approves blessing (but not marrying) gay couples

He Synod general of the church of england has approved this Thursday a motion that will allow its priests “bless” at same sex couples married or united in civil ceremonies, but not officiating their marriage.

“It has been a long road to reach this point”, declared the Archbishop of canterbury and primate of Anglicanism, Justin Welbywhich recognizes that the measure will be insufficient for some and too much for others in this communion.

Synod members also endorsed “lamenting and repenting” of the Church’s failure to welcome the LGBTQI+ people and “for the damage that people LGBTQI+ have experienced and are experiencing in the churches,” it said in a statement.

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The motion passed by a majority after an intense two-day synod debate and after years of disagreement on the issue at the Church of Englandwhich since 2014 accepts that its priests are in civil unions (not marriages) of the same sex as long as they accept celibacy.

special prayers

A working group will now develop a series of special prayers that chaplains can voluntarily use to bless gay married or civilly-united couples “in the eyes of God,” the note said.

The bishops will also prepare a “new pastoral guide” for the Anglican Church, the majority in the United Kingdom, on sexuality and marriage, it adds.

“For the first time, the Church of England will publicly, unreservedly and joyfully welcome same-sex couples into the church,” Welby and the Archbishop of York said in a joint statement. Stephen cottrell.

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Both acknowledge, however, that “the Church continues to have profound differences on these issues that go to the heart of our human identity.”

They therefore underline their “commitment to respect the conscience of those for whom this goes too far” and to ensure that they “receive the necessary guarantees in order to maintain the unity of the Church.”

“It is our hope that today’s thoughtful and prayerful discussion marks a new beginning for the Church, as we search for a way forward, listening to one another and, above all, to each other.” God“, they add.

Filed under Homosexuals, England

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