economy and politics

Foreign investment in Mexico exceeds 35,200 million dollars in 2022

Foreign investment in Mexico exceeds 35,200 million dollars in 2022

At the February 7 cutoff, the SE counted the almost 35,300 foreign capital moda that arrived in Mexico. This figure is updated periodically due to extemporaneous notifications made by companies to the National Registry of Foreign Investments (RNIE), the agency detailed.

There is a record of 5,500 million dollars, which corresponds to the transnationals whose headquarters of the corporate group is in Mexico and generate investment from their subsidiaries abroad, detailed the Ministry of Economy.

By type of investment, almost 50% (48%) of the capital that arrived in the country was due to new investments, 45% more was the product of the reinvestment of profits and the remaining 7% was due to accounts between companies.

Foreign investment arrived in Mexico through 3,485 Mexican companies with FDI, 5,739 trust agreements and 24 foreign legal entities.

By sector, manufacturing -automobile and truck manufacturing, electronic components, auto parts, electrical energy generation and distribution equipment, and basic iron and steel industry- were responsible for 36% of the FDI that arrived in the country, followed by transport (15 %), financial services (13%) and mass media (13%).

By country of origin, in 2022 the United States was the main country from which foreign investment came to Mexico, followed by Canada, Argentina, Japan and the United Kingdom.

The top 10 countries from which Mexico received the most FDI are completed by Spain, Korea, Hong Kong, France and China.

Mexico City, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Baja California and Chihuahua were the entities that received the most foreign investment.

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