
even in the face of intolerance, let’s talk about Jesus

The challenges of India today, but also concrete steps to accompany in faith, in the message released by the Latin Rite Conference of Bishops at the end of its plenary assembly held in Bangalore. “Based on the common faith of all Christians, let us avoid all fundamentalism and together tell the story of love, justice and human brotherhood.”

Bangalore () – A few days ago, the 34th Plenary Assembly of the CCBI, the Conference that brings together the 132 Latin rite dioceses of India, concluded at St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences in Bangalore. The theme of the work – in which Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, pro-prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, also intervened in the early days – was: “Telling the story of Jesus in our context: the synodal style”. He final message aired on January 30; we post much of it below. In it, the Indian bishops write that, even in the challenges facing Christians in the country today (among which is the hostility of fundamentalist groups, which in some contexts, as we know, also leads to violent attacks) “the story of Jesus must be told in an even more courageous, creative and authentic way”, continuing the testimony that “God loves everyone unconditionally”.

Witnessing the love of Christ, the Church of India contributed substantially to the building of the nation, especially through its efforts in the fields of education, health and social promotion. Faithful to the teachings of Christ, the Church has always defended the dignity of the human person, advocated a just society, promoted peace and harmony, and cared for the weak, the suffering, and the underprivileged sectors of society.

From the beginning, ordained ministers, together with consecrated men and women and skilfully supported by catechists, served their communities inside and outside the Church through committed pastoral care. Participatory bodies and lay associations promote communion and involvement of the members of the body of Christ in the mission of the Church.

The Catholic Church in India acknowledges the changing circumstances and growing challenges it faces, but has never stopped telling the story of Jesus. In the current context, he identifies some challenges:

– Changes in social conditions and excessive use of social networks, cell phones and the Internet put enormous pressure on the harmonious life of families.

– Addictions to drugs, alcohol and pornography are ruining the lives of many young adults, causing disorder in families and society.

– Poverty and inhuman living conditions deprive a large part of our population of opportunities and a dignified life, creating uncertainty about their future.

– Massive population displacements and the loss of land and fishing rights in the name of industrial and business development lead to forced migration, expropriation, loss of livelihoods and further marginalization.

– Greed and consumerist lifestyles are eroding the life of faith and the centrality of prayer.

– Some laws and civil policies often seriously hamper the pastoral efforts of the Church in India.

– The misuse of anti-conversion laws in some states and false propaganda about “forced conversions” discourage and hinder the life and service of the Christian community. This questions the constitutional rights of minorities.

– The growing culture of intolerance, hatred and even violent attacks against Christians in some quarters is a matter of grave concern for Christians in India.

In the current context, the story of Jesus must be told with greater courage, creativity and authenticity, remembering that the Good News must be proclaimed “on every favorable or unfavorable occasion” (cf. 2 Tim 4,2). Confident in the words of Jesus: “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But have courage: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33), we continue telling the story of Jesus, with the power of the Holy Spirit, that God loves everyone unconditionally.

Following the Synodal Path, we must ensure that:

– Accompany young people and families so that they deepen their faith, nurture family prayer and strengthen bonds of communion; In addition, that respect for life be promoted from the moment of conception until natural death.

– As grandparents, parents and the elderly, continue to transmit the story of Jesus to the new generations.

– As pastors and consecrated persons, take more seriously the responsibility of caring for families, each person and all those to whom we are sent.

– Promote, encourage and support the base communities in all our parishes.

– Take advantage of the occasion of the Eucharistic celebrations and the sacraments to catechize and tell the story of Jesus in a meaningful way, so that people can experience the Lord in their lives.

– Solidarize with those who suffer persecution, displacement, discrimination and marginalization.

– Make our mission to protect and preserve Mother Earth (which Pope Francis in the encyclical Laudato Sì described as our “common home”), using all means at our disposal to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles at all levels.

– Based on the common faith of all Christians, avoid fundamentalism and tell together the story of love, justice and human brotherhood.

– To unite with all our brothers and sisters, regardless of their caste, creed and language, to continue building our nation, based on our constitutional values ​​in which justice, liberty, equality and fraternity reign supreme.

– Strive to maintain the non-denominational character of our nation, giving preference to the disadvantaged sectors of our society to guarantee the integral development of all.

As we move toward the celebration of the Synod in 2023-2024 and look forward to the Jubilee Year 2025, may all our efforts help us to be credible witnesses of Jesus Christ as we continue to joyfully share His story.

On the occasion of our nation’s 74th Republic Day, let us pray that God abundantly bless our Motherland India. May Mary, our blessed Mother, whom she received, guarded and shared her Word, never cease to intercede for all her children.

(With the collaboration of Nirmala Carvalho)



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