
Colombia criticizes the stagnation of the process against ex-soldiers detained in Haiti

Colombia criticizes the stagnation of the process against ex-soldiers detained in Haiti

The Colombian Foreign Ministry criticized on Thursday that the Haitian authorities do not show signs of progress in the process that is being carried out against former Colombian soldiers detained in that country. after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.

“It is totally irregular that there are some people detained for so long without us having the guarantee that there is a process that is advancing, that there is some clarity about what other responsibilities are being sought by the Haitian authorities,” Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez said on Thursday, when quoted in a statement.

Ramírez made the statements in a meeting with 15 relatives of the 18 former soldiers detained on the Caribbean island. The official also inquired about the Haitian citizens detained under the same accusation one year after Moïse’s murder.

The assassination took place on July 7, 2021, in the presidential residence, when he was under the protection of his elite security team.

The US also claims

The United States Department of State issued a statement on Thursday along the same lines of concern, due to the way in which the investigative process has slowed down.

“We remain concerned about the limited progress of Haiti’s investigation into the assassination,” Estado said in a statement.

While acknowledging the announcement of the appointment of a fifth investigating judge in Port-au-Prince, the State Department criticized the Haitian authorities for not offering more security measures “to protect the judicial workers assigned to the case and to preserve the chain of custody of the key tests.

The president of the Port-au-Prince Bar Association, Monferrier Dorval, was assassinated in 2020.

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