The popular instant messaging application, WhatsAppcontinues to improve some of its features to offer better competition against its rival Telegram. On this occasion, from WABetaInfo They tell us about the next novelty that WhatsApp will incorporate in terms of the data transfer between android devices it means. Soon no need to back up to google drive to be able to transfer your chats between devices with the same Android operating system.
Soon, the application owned by Meta will allow the direct transfer of chats, without the need to previously make a backup copy. You will simply have to follow the instructions to move your chats from one device to another, it basically consists of download WhatsApp on the new phone and when you open it, scan the QR code to start importing your chats on the new device. This will allow you to migrate your data in a more fast, simple and efficient.
For now is under development and it is not known when this new function will be able to be implemented in the Beta version of the application.
Remember that WhatsApp has also implemented the option to transfer your chats from iOS to Android and vice versa with the arrival of Android 13. Something that not necessary for Telegramsince simply by logging in we will have all our information on any new device thanks to its cloud-based system.
End of Article. Tell us something in the Comments!
Juan Antonio Soto
I am a Computer Engineer and my specialty is automation and robotics. My passion for hardware began at the age of 14 when I gutted my first computer: a 386 DX 40 with 4MB of RAM and a 210MB hard drive. I continue to give free rein to my passion in the technical articles that I write at Geeknetic. I spend most of my free time playing video games, contemporary and retro, on the 20+ consoles I own, in addition to the PC.