( Spanish) — On July 9, 1816, six years after breaking their ties with the Spanish Empire, the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, the future Argentine Republic, formally declared their independence.
These are 10 voices of protagonists of the history of Argentina around the long process of emancipation of the country, which led to the proclamation of its independence during the General Constituent Congress of Tucumán, and which took place in the midst of the War of Independence.
10 historical phrases about the independence of Argentina
1 – “The clamor of the entire territory for its solemn emancipation from the despotic power of the kings of Spain was universal, constant and determined”
Of Minutes Declaration of Argentine Independence, signed by 29 deputies on July 9, 1816 in San Miguel de Tucumán
2 – “We solemnly declare to the face of the earth, that it is the unanimous and indubitable will of these Provinces to break the violent ties that linked them to the kings of Spain, recover the rights that were stripped from them, and invest themselves with the high character of a nation free and independent of King Ferdinand VII, his successors and metropolis”
Of Minutes of Argentine Declaration of Independence
3 – “If we are free, everything is left over”
General Jose de San Martin (1778-1850), who commanded patriotic armies during the Argentine War of Independence and is considered both a father of the Argentine nation and a liberator throughout the American continent.
4 – “There is no human respect that should be kept when it comes to American security and freedom”
General Jose de San Martin
5 – “Life is nothing if freedom is lost”
General Manuel Belgrano (1770-1820), lawyer, politician and military, in addition to creator of the flag of Argentinawho is considered, along with San Martín, as one of the main heroes of the country
6 – “An educated people can never be enslaved”
General Manuel Belgrano
7 – “I want a dangerous freedom more than a quiet servitude”
Mariano Moreno (1778-1811), lawyer, journalist and politician became one of the main participants in the May Revolution of 1810
8 – “No tyrant would make progress if there were no wicked who, driven by selfishness and dragged by the torrent of antisocial passions, did not serve as support for the throne erected by despots among the ruins of the most august virtue and rights of man… Thus it is that barely mediated in the Capital of the Río de la Plata the happy revolution that made the enemies of man tremble and shudder “
Juan José Castelli (1764-1812), lawyer and politician formed part of the First Government Junta established after the May Revolution
9 – “The Indians are and should be reputed, with the same option, as the other national inhabitants to all positions, jobs, destinies, honors and distinctions for the equal rights of citizens, with no other difference than that provided by merit and fitness”
10 – “Let us remind our people that the homeland is not the ground. We have had land for three centuries, and we have only had a homeland since 1810. The homeland is freedom, it is order, wealth, civilization organized on native land, under its banner and in its name”.
Juan Bautista Alberdi (1810-1864), lawyer and politician of enormous influence, who sat the bases for the organization of the Argentine Republic
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