
The Palestinian Authority warns that any change in Al Aqsa is a “declaration of war”

The Palestinian Authority warns that any change in Al Aqsa is a "declaration of war"


The Palestinian Authority has warned this Monday that any change in the situation of the Esplanade of the Mosques will mean a “declaration of war” and has denounced the plans of the new Israeli government to allow Jews to pray in the place, third place saint of islam

The spokesman for the Presidency of the Palestinian Authority Nabil Abu Rudeina has denounced “the repeated threats to change the historical ‘status quo’ of the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by asking for permission to officiate Jewish prayers and rituals in the mosque, to build a synagogue in their backyard and call for ‘equal rights’ for all religions in Al Aqsa,” reports the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Abu Rudeina also recalled the “escalation in the settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and the daily deaths” and referred in particular to the death of two young people in Kufer Dan in an operation by the Israeli security forces.

The Palestinian authorities thus respond to the declared intention of the Israeli far-right leader Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of Otzma Yehudit, to visit the Esplanade of the Mosques, which could lead to a rise in tensions in the area, especially as a result of of the threats issued in recent hours by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad.

Abu Rudeina has also called on Washington to react and has indicated that this new situation will be “the real test” of the position of the United States “before the extremist practices and policies of the Israeli Government” and before the previous UN resolutions, especially Resolution 2334 and his support for the two-state solution.

He has also recalled the commitments of President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “It is time for these words to become fact before it is too late,” she said. “If they are not stopped by serious US pressure, control of the situation will be lost,” she warned.

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