Science and Tech

Quali-bot, the virtual assistant that also supports legal claims issues

Quali-bot, the virtual assistant that also supports legal claims issues

A virtual assistant with personalized attention

Quali-bot works as a complementary communication channel by always seeking personalized attention from the insured, who will be able to attend to all legal aspects resulting from a traffic accident.

Thus, clients whose claim escalates to legal instances will receive a notification that your case was assigned to the company’s legal department, and will share the name, cell phone and email of the corresponding attorney.

24 hours after that definition, through the same channel they will be informed about aspects such as:

  • If the vehicle was retained by the authorities, the status will be informed every 7 days.
  • If there is no vehicle held, you will be updated every 15 days on the current status until the matter is closed.
  • You will be notified of the conclusion of the case, when the time comes.
  • If a specialized lawyer was assigned, the litigant’s name, cell phone, and email will be sent to him.
  • The insured will be informed of the necessary documents to prove ownership of their unit and release it.

Secondly, Quali-bot has a section on frequent questions on legal issues, to know in general:

  • The requirements to prove the ownership of the unit, if it is a physical or legal person.
  • Why do you have to pay a deductible?
  • In which cases is the deductible not paid?
  • Requirements to release the unit, in accordance with the law.

Lastly, thanks to synchronization between technologies and files of Quálitas, if the insured enters the boots from Quali-bot and write your Report numberyou can consult:

  • Name, email and cell phone of the lawyer, coordinator and legal manager.
  • The presumed responsibility that is held, in any given case.
  • If your unit is retained, the requirements to prove ownership will be detailed.
  • If your unit can already be delivered, the release document will be attached.
  • The most recent status of your matter.
  • Details on whether the driver is in custody or has been released.

Whatever you need… ask Quali-bot.

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