Science and Tech

How to buy the Soat through Nequi

How to buy the Soat through Nequi

Nequi, the most popular virtual wallet among Colombiansoffers its users the possibility of buying the Compulsory Traffic Accident Insurance (Soat) for cars and motorcycles through the app.

(See: Nequi and Daviplata competition is renewed: these are their changes).

In view of the fact that recently some of the places where this document could be purchased no longer provide this service, Nequi incorporated this option to facilitate the process through the application.

(See: Failures in Bancolombia continue and some Nequi services are suspended).

The service is free and allows citizens purchase the product without leaving your house.

(See: Davivienda, Nequi, Bancolombia and other apps that have bugs).

How to buy it?

If you want to acquire the Soat by Nequi you must follow these steps:

– In the app look for the section ‘services’ and select Soat option.
– Fill in all the data about your vehicle to have the quote.
– Verify that the data is correct and have the balance available.
– Accept the terms and Conditions.
– Once the payment is confirmed, Seguros Mundial will send the Soat to your email.

(See: Can they seize your Nequi account?: this explains the platform).


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