economy and politics

The places in the country that ‘swept away’ the purchase of Soat at a discount

61% of motorcycles in Colombia do not have the current Soat

Antioquia, followed by Bogotá and Cundinamarcawere the areas of the country where the most Compulsory Traffic Accident Insurance (Soat) policies were sold during the first day that the discount for some types of vehicles began to apply, especially motorcycles up to 200 cubic centimeters.

(Read: Soat Discount: ABC to find out if it applies to you and what it covers).

The Federation of Colombian Insurers (Fasecolda) measured the behavior of the issuance of Soat policies after the first 24 hours of the entry into force of the discount.

According to the union, the ten companies that market Soat have strengthened their distribution channels to meet the demand for this insurance. As expected, some users decided to purchase it once the approximate discount of 50% in the price of insurance for certain categories was implemented.
The issuance of the motorcycle policy grew by 972.9% compared to Monday, December 12.

According to Fasecolda, this has become the category that has accessed this insurance the most, going from 4,937 policies to 52,969 sold on December 19.
During the first 24 hours, insurers reported 77,970 policies sold throughout the country, a growth in Soat issuance of 171.1% in the benefited categories.

Antioquia, Bogotá, Cundinamarca and Valle are the departments where Soat sales have been most reported, followed by Santander, Tolima, Meta and Huila.
During the first day of the discount, 15,093 policies were issued in Antioquia, that is, 223.4% more than on Monday, December 12.

Bogota went from 8,813 policies to 15,036 policies sold, which represented a 70.6% increase between one period and another.

(Also: ‘We will not forgive a vehicle without Soat or counterfeit’: Mintransporte).

In Cundinamarca registered a growth of 389.9% with 10,024 policies issued and in Valle del Cauca, 9,875 policies were registered, which meant an increase of 232.6% compared to Monday, December 12.

In the department of Santander, 3,938 Soat policies were sold, with an increase of 181.7% compared to December 12, when 1,398 insurance policies were issued.
The departments of Tolima, Meta, Huila, Norte de Santander and Risaralda, according to Fasecolda statistics, were where there was also a good dynamic with the sale of Soat.

Acquire it and use it properly

The insurance industry is committed to the implementation of this measure so that more people are protected through Soat. Let’s not forget that in order to guarantee the care of all victims of traffic accidents, the good behavior of citizens is required, as well as the responsibility of complying with the obligation to acquire the Soat and to use it properly.”, expressed David Colmenares, president of the board of directors and spokesman for Fasecolda.

(Read: ‘For Soat to work people must buy it,’ says insurer).

The manager said that “the insurance industry remains committed to the development of the country, since in the first 24 hours of December 19, about 78,000 mandatory traffic accident insurance policies were issued, the vast majority of them with the discount of 50% established by the national government. We remain committed to enabling direct or digital channels to give greater coverage to people living in Colombia”, he said.


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