Science and Tech

Two-step verification fails on Twitter after work to improve the speed of the social network

Two-step verification fails on Twitter after work to improve the speed of the social network

November 15 (Portaltic/EP) –

Twitter has disabled the ‘bloatware’ of the microservices of the social network in order to speed up the loading of the application, which has also affected the two factor authentication systempreventing some users from logging into their accounts.

The social network needs “less than 20%” of microservices that it currently has to work, as the current owner and CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, has stated after announcing that they have disabled bloatware of these microservices.

This decision follows a conversation about the fluidity and speed of the platformwhich in the United States takes about two seconds to refresh, while in India it takes around 20 for the same action, as Musk pointed out in his profile.

‘Bloatware’ is a type of ‘software’ that enable minimal functionality in the background, usually harmless, but which consumes a lot of resources for what it actually does, draining the battery prematurely and dragging down the performance of the computer. For their part, microservices refer to the architecture of the service itself, made up of several smaller and independent services that work together.

This elements they are not equivalent for developers who have responded to Musk, to the point that they explain that microservices they are required for maintenance or deployment of updates. While others have pointed out that it is possible to have bloatware versions of those microservices.

Debate aside, his disabling has had a direct effect that many users have noticed, since it has affected the two-factor authentication system, specifically, the system sending confirmation codes to be able to log in.

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