
Borrell calls on China to play a “constructive” role in Ukraine and stop disinformation about the war

Borrell calls on China to play a "constructive" role in Ukraine and stop disinformation about the war


The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, on Thursday called on China to play a “constructive” role in the war in Ukraine and combat Russian disinformation about the conflict.

In a meeting in Indonesia on the occasion of the meeting of G-20 foreign ministers, the head of community diplomacy met with the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, from whom he has asked for greater commitment from Beijing in the face of the situation in Ukraine.

“I call on China to play a more constructive role in addressing the war in Ukraine and curb misinformation about the causes and disastrous consequences of the Russian attack,” he said in a message on social media.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the EU has demanded that China take sides and clarify that it will not help Russia militarily or economically at this juncture. However, the authorities have avoided taking a position and have maintained a certain ambiguity in the face of European requests to use their influence over Moscow to stop the military aggression.

This balance was seen during the EU-China summit held last April, just one week after the start of the invasion of Ukraine, in which Chinese President Xi Jinping raised the need to promote stability and rejected block divisions.

Europe has insisted on the important trade relationship with China to dissuade any possible participation of the Asian giant in favor of Russia in the Ukrainian crisis.

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