
Exports: US$22,982.4 million between January and May

Exports: US$22,982.4 million between January and May

Colombian exports grew 53.1% in the first five months of the current year. This was certified this Wednesday by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) when publishing the monthly study on the dynamics of the country’s foreign trade.

(See: Coffee production in Colombia in the first half of 2022 fell 5%).

Between the period January-May 2022, Colombian foreign sales totaled US$22,982.4 million FOB, compared to US$15,006.8 million FOB obtained in the same period last year.

This year’s behavior was led by a upturn of 84.1% in the category of fuels which reached US$12,559.8 million FOB and which contributed 23.1 percentage points to the variation in this period.

Within this group, oil and its derivatives had the best performance, growing 70.1% and adding US$8,404.3 million FOB in the first five months of 2022, compared to US$4,941.4 million FOB in the same period in 2022. last year. In metric tons, foreign sales of Colombian crude grew 4.6%, going from 12,640,548 tons to 13,222,327 tons.

In addition to this category, the manufacturing division grew 32.8% and the food and agricultural products division 33.2%.

Within these categories Specifically, ferronickel products and live cattle stand out. The first, belonging to the manufacturing division, added US$370.2 million FOB in the period January-May 2022 and grew 149.2% compared to its similar figure the previous year.

(See: Diversification, between orders from exporters to Petro).

On the other hand, live cattle totaled US$184.2 million FOB in the first five months of the current year, which represented a growth of 133.9% compared to the same period in 2020 when it totaled US$78.8 million. FOB

Among other major export products of the country are coffee and coal. The latter has registered an increase in its income of 133.2%, going from receiving US$1,637.3 million FOB in 2021 to US$3,819 million FOB in 2021. However, in terms of metric tons, a slight drop of -0 is observed, 1% between the volume traded from 23,624,047 tons last year to 23,598,343 tons by 2022.

(See: Exports of auto parts from Colombia increased 16.5%).

On the other hand, coffee, a traditional product in the export basket, grew by 48.2% in the first five months of 2022 compared to the immediately previous year. For the grain, US$1,668.4 million were received in this period. However, in terms of volume, this fell by 7.6%, going from 286,790 tons or 4,779 bags of 60 net kilograms to 265,022 or 4,417 bags of 60 net kilograms.

As for destinations, the period January-May 2022, The United States was the main destination for Colombian exports, with a participation of 25.6% in the total value exported; They were followed in their order of participation: Panama, India, China, Brazil, Turkey and Ecuador.

(See: There are 792 more national exporting firms than in 2020).


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