economy and politics

"I will do my best to preside over the IDB".- Gerardo Esquivel

"I will do my best to preside over the IDB".- Gerardo Esquivel

“It will be an open and competitive process, in which excellent candidates from other countries in the region will participate. I am confident that the result, whatever it may be, will benefit the entire region,” he added.

Esquivel recognized Alicia Bárcena, former executive secretary of ECLAC, who abandoned the nomination to head the IDB for personal reasons.

Earlier, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed Esquivel’s candidacy on behalf of the Mexican government.

The president referred to Esquivel as “honest people, a good economist” and recalled that he has a doctorate in economics from Harvard University. “He is very good and meets all the requirements,” he assured.

“We have the possibility that this candidacy prospers and Gerardo triumphs. We support it,” said López Obrador.

On September 26, the IDB governors voted for the removal of the president, Mauricio Claver-Carone, after an investigation showed that the official had an intimate relationship with a subordinate.

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