
The EU envoy to the UN tells the General Assembly that the closure of schools in Afghanistan is “unacceptable”

The EU envoy to the UN tells the General Assembly that the closure of schools in Afghanistan is "unacceptable"

Nov. 10 () –

The European Union’s envoy to the UN, Olof Skoog, has warned the United Nations General Assembly that “nowhere else” except in Afghanistan are girls and women prohibited from attending schools, a situation that has been branded of “unacceptable”.

“The human rights situation of women and girls continues to deteriorate. The EU reiterates its unwavering commitment to the full, equal and meaningful participation of all women and girls in all spheres of life in Afghanistan, as well as to its protection against all forms of discrimination and violence”, he specified, adding that this measure “must be revoked immediately”.

In this sense, Skoog stressed that the EU is “alarmed” by the human rights situation in the country, especially with regard to religious minorities, such as the Hazara, and ethnic groups, such as the Shia population.

The EU envoy to the UN has also expressed concern for the LGTBI community in the country, as well as for human rights defenders, journalists and other types of communicators. Likewise, he has focused on physical abuse, arbitrary arrests, forced disappearances, torture and murders in the Asian country.

“We advocate for the protection and fulfillment of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms (…) Accountability must be guaranteed and, in this regard, we recall that Afghanistan is a party to the Rome Statute”, he indicated.

On the other hand, he explained that the country is experiencing a “profound humanitarian and economic crisis” that will continue to deteriorate “during the coming winter.” “In the absence of a legitimate and recognized Afghan government, the EU has worked tirelessly with the international community to find pragmatic, creative solutions,” he told the United Nations General Assembly.

Thus, Skoog recalled that the EU has committed more than 300 million euros in humanitarian aid and has mobilized 330 million euros to maintain basic services through both United Nations partners and local and international organizations and NGOs.

“The EU has re-established a minimum presence in Kabul to guarantee the provision of assistance, facilitate operational coordination and represent the EU’s policies and positions,” he said, recalling that it is “essential” to allow humanitarian operations in the country.

“The Taliban must respect the independence of humanitarian operations and guarantee all humanitarian personnel, including female personnel, safe and unhindered access to the entire territory,” he said.

Finally, Skoog has transmitted that the EU supports the United Nations assistance mission in Afghanistan. “The efforts and reports of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennet, are also highly appreciated,” she stressed.

“We want to reaffirm that the EU and its Member States will stand with the Afghan people and that we remain committed to stability, prosperity and sustainable peace in Afghanistan and the region. This will require an inclusive political process with the full, fair and meaningful participation of all Afghans”, he settled.

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