Science and Tech

Maite Castro, Science Seremi of the South Macrozone visited the Regional Science Center: “CGNA is a great example for the entire country”

Maite Castro, Science Seremi of the South Macrozone visited the Regional Science Center: "CGNA is a great example for the entire country"

The interregional science authority learned about the ongoing research and valued the model of the Regional Center for Science and Technology in Plants and Food of La Araucanía

Authorities and scientists from the Center for Agro-aquatic Nutritional Genomics, CGNA, from Temuco in the region of La Araucanía, were visited by the current Seremi of Science, Technology and Innovation of the South Macrozone, Maite Castro, who visited the facilities and research in grade.

On the occasion, Maite Castro, accompanied by the Scientific Director of the CGNA, Dr. Haroldo Salvo-Garrido, toured the facilities and met with the researchers and officials of the CGNA.

“Without a doubt, the CGNA is a great example for the entire country, as it shows that in regions not only quality research and development is done, but also that it shows that projects towards technology transfer and innovation can be scaled in the same place. ”, highlighted Maite Castro, Seremi of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the South Macrozone

“Furthermore, this center deals with relevant issues not only for the territory and the region, but also at a global level, such as the agri-food problems that we are facing and that we will continue to experience in the future. Our visit to the CGNA was key because it not only allowed us to get to know the work that is done here on the ground, but also to talk with the researchers to discover directly from them what their problems and needs are and then seek support and solutions together. ”, added the authority

The CGNA is a private, non-profit corporation, financed mainly by the Regional Government of La Araucanía. Its actions are multidisciplinary and associative, in three relevant areas: i) Science and technology in plants; ii) Science and technology in food and iii) Development and Innovation. This is in accordance with the Regional Development Strategy of the Region of La Araucanía

In this regard, Dr. Haroldo Salvo, director of the CGNA, recalled that they have key technological units for the execution of impact science and technology, incubation and knowledge transfer in the agri-food sector that involve: Genomics, Food, Chemistry, Cultivation in vitro and greenhouses, Experimental field site and a semi-industrial Pilot Plant with five processing lines, with sanitary resolution and under HACCP standard.

During the development of the CGNA they have reached important achievements. In the last 5 years, the Center has generated more than 50 scientific publications, with 72% indexed in quartile 1 and an average of 10 citations per article. It also highlights that it has an invention patent, three registered plant varieties and 14 products protected under industrial secret. Currently the center has developed more than 25 technological products, inserted in the national and international market by national companies.

Another of the experiences that Seremi knew was the Spin-off NG-Seed SA, which consists of a company made up of Mapuche cooperatives, dedicated to the production and marketing of vegetable protein. Today they are present with their products in the national and international market.

Recently NG-Seed SA has been internationally recognized as a Social Enterprise by the NESsT-IKEA incubation program, which is a global organization, started in Sweden. The recognition highlights the business model, way of working and connection with social development in the territory (

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