It fits in any pocket, weighs less than 20 grams, and can handle all your daily purchases. You will not remember that you carry it with you.
Nano bag 6.0 is the ultra thin reusable bag smallest in the world. So small that it can be carried on a keychain, so light that you do not notice it in your hand. But she is able to carry 30 kilos of weight.
Every year 5 billion plastic bags are thrown away. Many end up in the sea, rivers, or polluting landfills.
Plastic bags are no longer given away in Spanish supermarkets, so many people have opted for reusable bags. The problem is that most of them are very bulky, cannot be folded, or are made of poorly resistant materials.
TipTop Things is a company that has been perfecting ultra-thin reusable bags for years. Let this new model be called Nano bag 6.0 it’s not marketing. This is the sixth version, even lighter and more resistant than the previous ones.
Nanobag 6.0, an ultra-thin unbreakable bag
The reusable Nanobag is made from fibers that are just 0.05mm thick, just like a hair. Despite that, its three-layer seam makes it ultra resistant. is capable of transporting 30 kilos of weight No problem.
It is sold in six different models: Standard, Micro, XL, backpack type, etc. The weight varies between 19 and 27 gramsand have a capacity between 12 and 25 liters. It fits all the daily purchase.
As it is an extra-slim TV, when it is folded fits in any pocket without bulk. It can even be carried on a keychain. You can see it in the opening video of the news.
Is ultra thin reusable bag is made of a material that repels waterso it can be used without problems in the rain, or to transport frozen food.
It is designed so that you always carry a bag with you, for when you need it. You won’t have to pay for it at the supermarket and you won’t contaminate with plastic bags.
It has already raised 30 times more than it needed to fund itself, on kickstarter. Its price is quite affordable: it only costs 11 eurosand is available in numerous patterned designs.
Nano bag 6.0 is the ultra thin reusable bag smallest in the world. Not only is it very practical and comfortable to wear, but it also saves you money on supermarkets, and help reduce polluting waste. What more could you want!