
British Intelligence says Russia faces serious difficulties training new recruits

British Intelligence says Russia faces serious difficulties training new recruits

Nov. 6 () –

The British Ministry of Defense has indicated this Saturday that the latest intelligence reports from its country suggest that Russia is facing serious difficulties in training the soldiers recruited in the last partial mobilization and the annual autumn recruitment.

As reported on the official Twitter account, the Russian Armed Forces were already in an extreme situation before these latest recruitments, providing training to the 300,000 troops of the partial mobilization announced in mid-September.

British Intelligence estimates that these serious problems will be aggravated in the coming days by the autumn recruitment that began on November 1 with which they hope to gather some 12,000 additional troops.

For this reason, they point out that newly recruited soldiers are likely to go to the battlefield with little or no training. Since to the great volume of new incorporations is added the fact that many experienced officials and trainers have died in the conflict when they were assigned to Ukraine.

In addition, they have reported that Russian troops are conducting training in Belarus due to the lack of training personnel, ammunition and facilities in Russia. The Ministry concludes at the end of the evaluation that the deployment of forces with little training provides little additional offensive combat capacity, so Russia would be weakened.

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