
Russian military officials are already discussing how and when to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine

Russian military officials are already discussing how and when to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine

The United States Intelligence raises the concern and warns that top russian military commanders met just a few days ago to discuss how and when Russia could use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

in conversations Russian President Vladimir Putin was not presentas reported The New York Times, which reveals that this meeting between Russian Army leaders took place “in the context of intensifying Russia’s nuclear rhetoric and setbacks on the battlefield”.

This meeting has alarmed the Biden Administration, which considers that the “frustration” of Putin and his highest-level military commanders is such that “Putin’s veiled threats to use nuclear weapons may not be just words.”

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This warning from the United States comes just a few days after Putin assured that for Russia a possible use of nuclear weapons does not make “political or military” sense in Ukraine. “Russia is not challenging the elites of the West. Russia is simply defending its right to exist and develop freely,” he said, after openly threatening to use nuclear weapons weeks ago warning that he was not “bluffing.”

2,000 tactical nukes

After this meeting between the military high command, US intelligence has confirmed that, for now, there is no evidence that Russia is taking tactical nuclear measures to prepare for an imminent attack. The Pentagon estimates that Russia has an arsenal of up to 2,000 tactical nukes designed to be used on the battlefield, including missiles or artillery shells.

[La OTAN avisa a Putin de “consecuencias sin precedentes” si usa armas nucleares en Ucrania]

These movements in the military leadership coincide with the statements made just a few days ago by the director of the CIA, William J Burnswho warned that Putin’s “potential desperation” to win in Ukraine and in the face of recent setbacks in the war could lead Russia to use nuclear weapons.

John F Kirby, a National Security Council official, contacted by New York Timeshas refused to give “details” about this report.

“We have made it clear from the outset that Russia’s comments on the potential use of nuclear weapons are deeply concerning and we take them seriously. We continue to monitor this to the best of our ability and see no indication that Russia is making any preparations for such use.” Kirby explained.

Russia mobilizes a gigantic nuclear bombardment

At the same time that NATO, to which Spain belongs, carried out a few days ago the nuclear maneuvers Steadfast Noon in northeastern Europe, the Kremlin decided to exhibit its aerial potential taking out their hangars Tupolev Tu-95MS bombers. Also with nuclear capacity, the two mobilized aircraft made a flight of more than 12 hours over the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, it was a scheduled flight over neutral waters. It is also known that the bombers were escorted by MiG-31 fighters and that they refueled in the air. The Tu-95MS are one of the most important nuclear deployment platforms of the entire Russian air force, forming the backbone of long-distance bombers. All a warning and a warning to Ukraine and its allies.

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Warnings of the use of nuclear weapons are a constant in the war dialectic between Ukraine and Russia. The fear of a nuclear escalation in the war has been increasing in recent weeks and reports issued by NATO intelligence services. The last of the movements was carried out by the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who has accused kyiv of planning a false flag attack with a dirty bomb to trigger nuclear war.

Shoigú spoke with his counterparts in France, Turkey and the United Kingdom to communicate “his concern about possible Ukrainian provocations with the use of a dirty bombGiven this, Zelensky stated that this move by the Kremlin is just a justification for them to use nuclear weapons in the war.

The “annihilation” of the Russian Army

Faced with these constant threats from Russia, the leaders of the EU, the United States and NATO had warned Vladimir Putin of “serious consequences” if it uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine. But no Western leader in power had wanted to detail exactly what those “consequences” would be, until Josep Borrell.

The Western bloc’s retaliation would be the “annihilation” of the Russian Armyusing conventional weapons, as confirmed on October 13 by the European High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

“We have the nuclear threat. Putin says he’s not bluffing. He can’t afford to bluff. And it has to be clear that those of us who support Ukraine – the EU, the Member States, the United States and NATO – are not bluffing eitherBorrell said.

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