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Although there was some uncertainty about whether or not it would take place, in the end the purchase of Twitter did happen and Elon Musk is now the owner of the social platform and it did not take long to make important changes. Precisely one of the things that has given the most talk because it will affect users is the fee that they will now have to pay to verify themselves. Apparently the feedback was so negative that Elon Musk will ultimately charge less for verification.
After Musk revealed his plans to charge for verification and get the blue tick on Twitter, many users criticized this measure.
“If anyone can buy a popcorn, then the popcorn becomes useless. It creates a problem and gives a solution, nobody believes that the current way of verifying sucks as much as having to pay for it,” he said. an user.
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One of the users who complained was Stephen King, one of the most recognized writers in the contemporary horror genre, and he showed his rejection loud and clear.
“$20 a month to keep my blue popcorn? Fuck it, they should pay me. If that’s instituted, I’m going like Enron,” a clearly disgusted King said.
We need to pay the bills somehow! Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers. How about $8?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 1, 2022
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Elon Musk modified his plans for the new verification on Twitter
Although Musk defended his decision to charge for the blue popcorn by saying that they too “need to pay the bills” and that they can’t do it entirely through commercial ads, it didn’t take long for users to react and respond to it. Only 1 day after announcing this new measure, Musk revealed that the price will be lower than he had said.
The director called the current verification system “nonsense”, which he considers as a system of “lords and commoners”; that is, a kind of social distinction. For this reason, he said that he wants to give “power to people” in exchange for a monetary cost, of course.
In case you missed it: Twitter personality left the platform and criticized Elon Musk.
Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.
Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 1, 2022
How much will Twitter verification cost and what will it include?
The interesting thing is that in his message he did not mention the $20 USD per month that he originally said he would charge to verify an account. He now mentioned that this feature would be unlocked for $8 USD per month, noting that there will be “country-adjusted pricing proportional to purchasing power parity.”
The subscription will not only include this, but also benefits such as priority in responses, mentions and searches, something that will help combat spam and scams. Those users who are a public figure will also get a secondary tag.
As a peasant, how does a blue checkmark benefit me?
— Eric Deering (@zencyl) November 1, 2022
Additionally, subscribers will be able to post long videos and audios and will see half as many commercials. According to Musk, these measures will also benefit content creators, since they will find a means to earn money on the platform.
It is important to mention that until now there is no official price statement for verification; This feature has not even been confirmed, so we will have to wait for the final decision on its price and benefits. We will keep you informed.
What do you think of Musk’s decision? Would you pay to verify your account on Twitter? Let us know in the comments.
You can find more news related to Twitter if you visit this page.
Related video: Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter: will it affect video games?
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