
Honduras demands respect for its sovereignty after criticism by the US ambassador of Castro’s policies

Honduras demands respect for its sovereignty after criticism by the US ambassador of Castro's policies

Recent criticism by the US ambassador to Honduras, Laura Dogu, of Tegucigalpa’s handling of internal policies has provoked a reaction from the Xiomara Castro government, which has not hesitated to emphasize its sovereignty.

“We are more than willing to work hand in hand with an important partner such as the United States, but it always has to be in respect of our sovereignty, our interests as a sovereign country,” Rodolfo Pastor de María, who works as Secretary of State in the Office of the Presidency.

Ambassador Dogu offered her statements this Monday, October 24, at an event at the Honduran-American Chamber of Commerce in the Central American nation.

In her speech, the diplomat criticized how the Castro presidency has implemented some measures that concern the energy sector and the labor market, stating that it is a message that can scare away private investment.

“Without a doubt, all these actions are sending a clear message to companies that they should invest elsewhere, not in Honduras,” he claimed Dogu in his speech.

The United States had not posted an ambassador but rather a business manager in Honduras since 2017, during the government of the now imprisoned in the USJuan Orlando Hernández, until last April.

The Secretary of International Relations of Honduras, Enrique Reina, initially replied to Dogu’s statements: “We have warned the ambassador several times, I am summoning her and I will do it personally so that on the 31 [de octubre] at noon express this disagreement and we present a written protest”, date the local newspaper The Herald.

Contrary to the official statements, the presidential appointee Salvador Nasralla, evaluated the current Honduran panorama.

“Investment depends on the security that the country radiates, and this year Honduras stopped radiating; there was already little security with the delinquent government that is in New York,” Nasralla said, referring to Hernández.

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