Science and Tech

Pure science fiction and other worlds: We talked to the authors of the novel that won the 2022 Minotaur Prize (Paper Labyrinth 3×08)

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In ‘Paper Labyrinth’, the fantastic literature podcast that we do at Xataka in collaboration with the Minotauro publishing house, we cannot avoid the temptation of talking to one of the most important novels of the year for the publishing house. It is, of course, about the brand new winner of the Minotaur Prize, which the publisher organizes every year to reward an unpublished fantasy genre novel.

This year the winner was ‘Horizonte de estrellas’, by Víctor Conde and Guillem Sánchez, a wonderful space science fiction story that takes us to unknown worlds and, above all, to come into contact with unimaginable alien races. For him to tell us about his peculiar creative process and what it has been like to write a novel with four hands, we have had one of its authors, Guillem Sánchez.

Sánchez is an experienced author (he also gives us the background of his work prior to this award) and tells us where the ideas that form the backbone of the fascinating plot of ‘Horizonte de estrellas’ came from: An engineer who has decided to leave her life on Earth behind embarks on a joint expedition with the Idor, a friendly alien race. But she is awakened from her hibernation when they stumble upon an apparently abandoned ship of the Ker, another alien race of whom there is little knowledge.

The great virtue of ‘Horizon de estrellas’ is in its description of absolutely extraterrestrial intelligences, which connects the novel with more rational and less adventurous science fiction classics, from ‘Appointment with Rama’ to ‘The problem of the three bodies ‘. Which is not to say that the book is devoid of emotions: the work of Conde and Sánchez mixes genres with joy and the adventure of these expeditionaries will acquire overtones of a thriller, space opera and even terror. A bet absolutely worthy of the award and that we discussed in depth in ‘Paper Labyrinth’.

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