
New York court suspends hearing of former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández

New York court suspends hearing of former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández

The court of the Southern District of New York suspended on Monday the oral hearing that was scheduled with the accusations against the former president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández.

“We have received a message from the Court where they have canceled the hearing [prevista] for next Thursday. They did it without informing us of the reason,” said his lawyer Raymond Colón in a video released througha tweet and that has been replicated in the Honduran media.

The lawyer assured that the Prosecutor’s Office did not know the reason for the cancellation.

The judge of the federal court of the Southern District of New York, Kevin Castel, who is handling the case for drug trafficking accusations against former President Hernández, has already rescheduled the scheduled date of the process at the end of last September.

Against the former presidentweigh three counts: one for conspiring to export cocaine to the US and another two for use and conspiracy to use firearms.

Hernández served two consecutive presidential terms in Honduras from 2014 to 2022, when at the end of his term he was extradited in april passed to the USA.

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