
Peruvians and Colombians excited to enter the UK without a visa

Peruvians and Colombians excited to enter the UK without a visa

Social networks in Peru and Colombia exploded with joy after the announcement, on October 18, made by the respective ambassadors of the United Kingdom in those countries that Peruvians and Colombians will be able to enter the four nations that comprise it without the need for a visa.

On Twitter, the terms “visa” and “United Kingdom” were trending all day and on Tik Tok users did not stop commenting on the news, which was taken as something good within the complex situation that both Latin American countries are experiencing.

In the case of Peru, plunged into a political crisis that seems endless, with its president and Congress in conflict and both with very little popular approval and tainted by serious accusations of corruption.

While Colombia is assimilating the little more than two months of a government that for the first time in its history is leftist.

Data on entry without a visa to the United Kingdom to Peru and Colombia

  • Visitors will be allowed passport-only access to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • According to Migrations of Colombia, 45,788 Colombians traveled to the United Kingdom between January and September of this year for tourism and residence.
  • In the last 12 months, the United Kingdom granted 4,000 visas to Peruvians, according to the British ambassador in Lima.
  • Every year 50,000 British tourists arrive in Peru.

Good news!”, “Excellent!”, “Thank you very much for this, they even made me cry with joy!”, were among others the phrases of tweeters upon learning of the note written on Twitter by the United Kingdom ambassador in Peru, Gavin Cook, whose text began with a “Golazo!. As of November 9, Peruvians no longer need a visa to visit the United Kingdom for periods of less than six months.

Peruvian Foreign Minister César Landa also welcomed the announcement and stated that the British decision shows the high level reached in the bilateral relationship as strategic, preferred and reliable partners.

“This new stage of migratory exchange will allow increased trade and investment between both countries,” he said.

While listening to the ambassador’s announcement in a live broadcast, Peruvian graphic designer Julio Chapoñán said: “It’s a good measure every time, when a Peruvian wants to go abroad, especially to Europe, he suffers a real odyssey to process the visa” .

For his part, retiree Juan Carrizales described the decision as highly anticipated by thousands of young people.

Colombia: Sign of Confidence

In Colombia, President Gustavo Petro thanked the United Kingdom, through his Twitter account, for its decision to remove the tourist visa requirement for Colombian visitors.

The announcement was made by the British ambassador to Colombia, George Hodgson.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Álvaro Leyva, welcomed the announcement by the United Kingdom. “The national government greatly appreciates and values ​​this decision that puts Colombia on a par with the United Kingdom’s strategic partners and recognizes it as a sign of confidence in Colombia, its nationals and its institutions,” he said.

Guyana: A lot of work was done

Announcing that Guyanese will no longer need visas to enter the UK from November 9, Guyanese President Irfaan Ali said there will be no special security check for Guyanese but urged them not to abuse the process.

“A lot of work was done to get the UK to accept the decision,” he said.

In her turn, Jane Miller, British High Commissioner in Guyana, stated that “this abolition of visas is a true sign of the confidence that the United Kingdom has in the growth of our relationship and together with the direct flight, at the end of March with British Airways, we believe this change is going to be transformative for our already strong relationship.”

Meanwhile, it was reported that a trade mission from the United Kingdom will visit Guyana, its former colony that became independent in 1966, in mid-November.

Trade with Peru grows

The ambassadors of the United Kingdom in Colombia and Peru have assured that a very important step has been taken in bilateral relations and that they hope that with the measure their nation will be more accessible and the doors will open to more business opportunities with Latin American countries. major global producers of various raw materials.

In recent months, Peru, an important producer of natural gas in Latin America, has strongly increased its exports of the resource to the United Kingdom, amid problems over the supply of that fuel due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

In addition, the South American country sells fruits, gold, tin, coffee, and imports mechanical metal products, beverages, whiskey, milk, and vehicles from the European nation.

According to information from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, trade between Peru and the United Kingdom totaled 1,562 million dollars in the first eight months of the year, an increase of more than 252% due to greater shipments of natural gas.

To travel to the UK without a visa

The requirements!

  1. Passport valid for the entire period of stay.
  2. Applies for tourism trips, short studies, international events, business and medical care.
  3. The visa will be maintained for long-stay trips, employment by a British company or permanent establishment.
  4. In addition to the passport and the reason for traveling to the island, there is a list that the visitor must comply with to set foot on British territory, but the process will be much more agile and interviews or visits to visa centers will no longer be required.

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