economy and politics

Eradication of poverty, cost of living, Venezuelans in the United States… Monday’s news

The high indebtedness of poor countries generates even more poverty.

António Guterres calls for urgent global action to end poverty

Coinciding with the day International for the Eradication of Povertythe Secretary General of the United Nations warned this Monday that we live in a world that is going backwards.

António Guterres stressed that inequalities continue to widen and that economies, both national and domestic, “are hit by job losses, the rise vertigGuterres said that this year’s theme for the International Day, “Dignity for all in practice”, must represent “a collective cry for urgent global action”.

That is why he called for investing in people-centered solutions, ending conflicts, transforming the financial system and supporting developing countries in their transition to fossil fuels.

Similarly, a report published today by UNICEF It indicates that the war in Ukraine and rising inflation have plunged an additional four million children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia into poverty, an increase of 19% since 2021.

New tool to alleviate poverty

The new Multidimensional Poverty Index published Monday by the United Nations Development Program and the Oxford University Human Development Initiative concludes that it is possible to reduce poverty on a large scale.

The study is not limited to the analysis of income as the only indicator to measure how the population experiences poverty, but tries to analyze it through various aspects of their daily lives such as access to education and health, housing, drinking water, sanitation, electricity and standard of living.

The report identifies a number of “gap clusters” or recurring patterns that often affect those living in multidimensional poverty and stresses the importance of understanding them in order to find the most effective ways to address those needs.

“Families in Laos who don’t have access to cooking fuel and often can’t send their children to school, because the children are busy collecting firewood every day. So it may not be enough to build a school in a people if the fuel problem is not also solved,” said Tasneem Mirza, one of the report’s authors.

Faced with inflation, more social protection and higher minimum wage

A woman works at an electronics factory in Cikarang, Indonesia.

The director general of the International Labor Organization indicated today that the increase in minimum wages, as well as guarantees for social protection aid, should be among the priority responses to the current economic and social crisis.

Gilbert F. Houngbo also prioritized investment in social protection and productive employment through the Global Employment and Social Protection Accelerator for Just Transitionsan initiative that seeks to promote the creation of 400 million jobs including the green, digital and care economies, and the expansion of social protection for the 4 billion people who currently lack coverage.

The head of the Organization also indicated that long-term strategies are needed to address the large gender gaps that persist, particularly in terms of wages, pensions and quality of work.

Volker Türk takes office as High Commissioner for Human Rights

On October 17, 2022, Volker Türk begins his four-year term as the eighth United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

“Human rights are the common language of humanity,” the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, said today.

Upon taking office, Türk considered that “there is no single approach to every situation”, adding that “he hopes to use all the tools at his disposal to promote the human rights of all people”.

Türk, who is the eighth person to hold this position, said that his mandate “involves a deep engagement with everyone, including governments, human rights defenders and civil society”, as well as “speaking very clearly when necessary”. necessary”.

“It is so important in today’s world that there is a distinctive voice for conscience, reason and wisdom in a fragmented world. The High Commissioner for Human Rights has to be that voice, a High Commissioner who is not tied to any agenda , except for the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the entire human rights framework that exists,” he said.

The new head of the body in the field of human rights succeeds Michelle Bachelet. The High Commissioner held her position from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2022.

The UN applauds the new entry route for Venezuelans to the United States

Displaced Venezuelan refugees in Reynosa, a border city in the north of the state of Tamaulipas, in Mexico

IOM Mexico/Alejandro Cartagena

The International Organization for Migration, the UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF applauded the announcement by the governments of the United States and Mexico to establish a new admission route for displaced Venezuelans to enter the United States.

“This is an encouraging development to facilitate safe and regular migration and offer alternatives to people on the move,” the three agencies said in a statement.

“These pathways can be essential in offering alternatives to irregular and dangerous movements and an effective way to promote a fair sharing of responsibilities. We also welcome the announcement of a significant increase in the number of H-2B temporary worker visas for nationals of northern Central American countries and Haiti.

However, they declared that they were “deeply concerned” about the continuous restrictions on access to asylum suffered by people of multiple nationalities on the border between Mexico and the United States due to the so-called Title 42, one of the border restrictions between Mexico and the United States implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19and called to an end.

“Many people subject to these measures since their implementation in March 2020 have been sent to border communities with significant security challenges, limited support networks and inadequate accommodation capacities, making their return to Mexico dangerous and unsustainable. ”, they warned.

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