
Germany Charges Five Sex Crimes to Main Suspect in Madeleine McCann Case

Germany Charges Five Sex Crimes to Main Suspect in Madeleine McCann Case

The German prosecutor filed an accusation for five sexual crimes, three of them rape, against the German Christian Brucknersuspected of the disappearance in 2007 of the British girl Madeleine McCann, “Maddie”, although not related to that case.

The accusation, released today by the Braunschweig prosecutor’s office (northern Germany) and collected by EFE, explains that the charges are directed against the same suspect in the girl’s disappearance, which occurred on May 3, 2007 in the apartment in Praia da Luz, in Portugal, where he spent the holidays with his parents.

However, no further reference is made to that case, although it does state that it is still subject to investigation. The accusations of the prosecution are specified on five cases that occurred between December 2000 and June 2017, also in Portugal.

[La confesión de Christian Brueckner que le inculpó como asesino de Maddie: 15 años callando el crimen]

Three of those accusations are of rape, while the other two are sexual abuse in a serious degree. In the first case, her victim was a 20-year-old Irish woman, whom he brutally assaulted and raped by breaking into her vacation apartment masked.

Another of his victims was a ten-year-old German girl, whom he surprised while playing and forced to witness him masturbating, but who finally managed to escape.

His victims were girls or women between the ages of ten and 80, in hitherto unknown cases and some of them revealed through videos recorded by the suspect himself.

Brueckner, with a long history of crimes for sexual abuse and pederasty, is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence for the rape of a 72-year-old American tourist, also committed in Portugal.

“Maddie” was three years old at the time of her disappearance and his whereabouts remain unknown, despite the investigations mobilized by his parents, both in Portugal and in the United Kingdom and before successive international instances.

The suspect lived regularly in Portugal from 1995 until at least that same year in 2007, although he often returned to that country afterwards.

He lived from odd jobs, also related to tourism, and committed crimes against property, robberies in hotels and apartments.

The night “Maddie” disappeared, she was near the resort where the McCanns were spending their vacations, according to data collected from her mobile phone.

The suspicions of his relationship with the disappearance of the little girl gained strength after being extradited by the Portuguese authorities to Germany, accused of another crime of sexual abuse of minors.

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