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After more than 6 years, the original delivery of Overwatch passed away with the rushed launch of its sequel at the beginning of last week. Without a doubt, the end of an era. This leaves us with a question in the air: what will happen to the physical copies that are still swarming through retail stores?
Although the original Blizzard Entertainment video game disappeared, almost all of its content went to Overwatch 2. This includes stats and cosmetic items earned by users, as well as most maps and game modes. In any case, it is now unnecessary to insert a disc into the console to play.
In case you missed it: Fans use the disc from the first Overwatch as cup holders and pizza cutters
Holders of a physical copy of the 2016 title have a useless item in their hands; after all, the sequel is free-to-play and available for digital download on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC platforms.
Related Video: Overwatch – “Crossplay” Announcement Trailer
What will happen to copies of Overwatch from GameStop?
The discs of Overwatch they will become a nostalgic object whose only real use will be to adorn a shelf or a collection. Even though there will be some people who will want theirs for that purpose, physical sales will most likely take a nosedive from now on.
Since there is no point in selling this title in stores, it is not surprising that GameStop, one of the largest video game specialty retailers in the United States, orders its employees to destroy physical copies.
Through a short tiktok videoa GameStop employee announced that the chain’s workers were ordered to “destroy” the discs of the original delivery of Overwatchh. It is not entirely clear if that order will be followed by all establishments or if only some will have to carry it out.
It is worth noting that the alleged message only refers to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. It is possible that the Nintendo Switch version is conspicuous by its absence because it is only a box that does not include a multiplayer video game cartridge.
According to these reports, it seems that very soon it will be very difficult to obtain physical copies of Overwatch. Thus, it is possible that interested people can get theirs at a very low price or, in the best of scenarios, for free. We must remember that a similar situation occurred a few weeks ago with BABYLON’S FALLthe Square Enix title as a service that will close its servers in early 2023.
But tell us, what do you think of this situation? What do you plan to do with your copy? Let us read you in the comments.
Overwatch 2 is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.
You will find more news related to this free-to-play proposal if you click here.
Related Video: Overwatch 2 – “Sojourn” Gameplay Trailer