
Five years after #MeToo, a new process begins against Harvey Weinstein

First modification:

The former Hollywood producer, sentenced to 23 years in prison by a New York court, will now face a new trial in Los Angeles, where five victims point him to rape and sexual abuse.

This Monday, October 10, 2022 marks the beginning of a new process against former film producer Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles, where he is accused of 11 crimes for rape and sexual abuse of five victims.

The trial begins precisely when the #MeToo movement turns five years old and gains strength with these complaints that were key in the downfall of one of the most influential men in the Hollywood film industry.

The new process could take approximately two months and the victims are women who would have been forced by the defendant in hotels in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles between 2004 and 2013. If found guilty, he could face a maximum sentence of 140 years in prison, in addition to the 23 to which he was sentenced in New York.

Speaking to the EFE agency, University of Colorado Law professor Aya Gruber referred to the importance of #MeToo and pointed out that the main achievement of the movement “has been to raise awareness about how the powerful use their tools to abuse women sexually and have created a public concept that instead of shaming the victims, shames the abusers.

Other trials for alleged sexual abuse also begin in the coming weeks

The beginning of this new process coincides with the trials against the actors Danny MastersonKevin Spacey and the manager Paul Haggiswhich will start in the next few weeks.

All these figures from the film world have been accused of sexual harassment and abuse following patterns of intimidation thanks to the influence they have.

The process against Masterson, who was the protagonist of the series ‘That 70’s Show’ and was arrested in 2020, will begin this Tuesday, September 11. According to the complaints, the actor would have been involved in three rapes at his home in Hollywood Hills.

Actor Danny Masterson during the process against him for three counts of rape in separate incidents that would have occurred between 2001 and 2003. September 18, 2020.
Actor Danny Masterson during the process against him for three counts of rape in separate incidents that would have occurred between 2001 and 2003. September 18, 2020. © Lucy Nicholson / AFP

The complaints cost him a millionaire contract with the Netflix platform. He has always denied his guilt and assures that the accusations are a campaign organized by the Church of Scientology after his departure.

Another of the most notorious cases is the two-time Oscar winner, Kevin Spacey. The ex-protagonist of the series “House of Cards” lost his position since the complaints became known and has a debt of 31 million dollars to the producer for breach of contract.

Spacey will testify this month in a New York court in a different process than the one he has open in the United Kingdom.

with EFE

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