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A few weeks ago we were able to see the first trailer for The Last of Us, which left the vast majority of fans happy. It has not been possible to see much of the interpretation of the actors Pedro Pascal (Joel Miller) and Bella Ramsey (Ellie), but the first scenes have been well received for the way in which they capture the personality of both protagonists. Some might think that to meet her character, Ramsey has already played the title, but the truth is that she has not.
Bella Ramsey had already mentioned that the also protagonist of the series, Pedro Pascal (Joel Miller), did not know how to play, which, therefore, suggested that the actor had not played The Last of Us. The actress did not reveal anything about her, but apparently she had better skills than Pascal and there was a possibility that she had already played The Last of Usmaybe not before, but after knowing that she would play Ellie.
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Has Bella Ramsey, Ellie’s actress, already played The Last of Us?
However, the young actress today has just announced that she has not played the original title either and it is partly because it was suggested to her.
Ramsey participated in an interview with USAToday and in it he revealed that when he did his first audition for the role of Ellie, those in charge of the project asked him if he had already played The Last of Us. The interesting thing is that, upon hearing a negative response from the actress, they recommended that she not do it, and accompanied her recommendation with laughter.
Why this was suggested to Ramsey is unknown, but it could well be so that he discovers the moments in the game at the same time he is acting them, perhaps so that the feelings are raw and the reactions are more natural in the filming. or close to it. Also, there is the possibility that those in charge of the project wanted Ramsey to interpret her without relying on the scenes of the game or without knowing the reactions of the characters in the video game.
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However, the actress somehow did not pay much attention to the recommendation, since she confessed that, although she did not play, she watched some gameplay of the title on YouTube to get an idea of what her next project was going to be about and shared a very tender moment he had with Pascal at the end of filming.
“I recorded for a whole year, which is a long time if you’ve only lived 19 years. Pedro wrote me a little letter at the end saying, ‘How interesting that something so huge and life-changing happened so early in your career and so late at mine.’ I thought that was a very sweet observation and I had a great time,” Ramsey said.
What do you think of Ramsey’s answer? Tell us in the comments.
You can find more news related to The Last of Us if you visit this page.
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