Science and Tech

This web game tells you if you are able to understand the creativity of DALL-E

This web game tells you if you are able to understand the creativity of DALL-E

Oct. 7 (Portaltic/EP) –

DALL-E it’s a artificial intelligence model (AI) that generates images from descriptions, sometimes resulting in creativity that is not always understood from a human point of view, precisely what the DALL·E-dle web game puts to the test.

DALL E-dle is inspired by Wordle, the crossword type game that went viral at the beginning of the year and that encourages you to guess a word in a maximum of six attempts. In the new proposal, the intention is to find out if we are capable of understand the creativity of an AI or if it has already surpassed ours.

This Glasp project, responsible for the web highlighter of the same name, proposes five sets of images with four descriptions In each one to try to guess, in a maximum of four attempts, on which DALL-E has been based to generate the illustrations.

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