
Borrell says that the Twenty-seven will study sanctions against Iran for the repression of protests

Borrell says that the Twenty-seven will study sanctions against Iran for the repression of protests


The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, has indicated this Tuesday that the Twenty-seven will study restrictive measures against Iran for the repression of the protests after the death of the young Mahsa Amini in police custody.

“Together with the Member States, we are going to consider all the options at our disposal, including restrictive measures due to the death of Mahsa Amini and how security forces have responded to the demonstrations,” stressed the head of European diplomacy in a debate at the plenary session of the European Parliament on the demonstrations in Iran.

In this sense, Borrell has anticipated that the EU foreign ministers will have possible “restrictive measures” on the table when they meet at the end of October in Luxembourg.

The death in custody of a 22-year-old woman arrested for allegedly wearing the veil incorrectly has sparked protests across Iran that have left nearly a hundred dead.

During the debate, a wide range of political forces have expressed themselves in favor of applying sanctions against Tehran for the death of Mahsa Amini, including ‘popular’, socialists and liberals.

“The Council of the EU must adopt strong sanctions for serious human rights violations as soon as possible. Call it sanctions or restrictive measures, but the main thing is to approve them as soon as possible,” said David McAllister, a German MEP from the European People’s Party.

The leader of the Socialists in the European Parliament, Iratxe García, has affirmed that the world energy crisis or the negotiation of the nuclear agreement “cannot make Europe look the other way” when it comes to addressing and responding to the situation.

Soraya Rodríguez, from Ciudadanos, has called for “renewing and expanding” the sanctions against the Iranian regime for the oppression it exercises against its citizens, while Ernest Urtasun, from the Greens, has called for an “independent” investigation of the brutality police against the demonstrators and has demanded that the European bloc use all its channels to stop Tehran’s repression.

Meanwhile, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark and the Czech Republic have already taken steps at the European level and are proposing to the community partners to impose sanctions against those responsible for the oppression of the Iranian authorities. Specifically, diplomatic sources have confirmed to Europa Press that the joint proposal calls for measures against 16 people and entities.

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