
nearly 800 Palestinians in administrative detention, the most since 2008

Today’s news: at least 13 dead Uyghurs and thousands of intoxicated due to the disinfectants sprayed by the Chinese authorities to combat Covid; Cambodia’s first native bishop consecrated in Kampong Cham; the death toll rises to 43 after the attack in Afghanistan; Colombo cuts taxes on feminine hygiene products. In Russia, sanatoriums and nursing homes are reorganizing: they leave the pandemic behind to dedicate themselves to war veterans.


Israel detains some 800 palestinians without trial or charges. According to the activist group HaMoked, this is the highest number since 2008. These people are under “administrative detention”, a practice whereby suspects are detained for months on a discretionary basis. Behind the increase is the escalation of raids and arrests in the West Bank.


At least 13 Uyghurs they died poisoned for the disinfectants that the authorities sprayed in the houses to combat a wave of Covid-19 infections. The incident occurred in a county in Xinjiang, in northwestern China. The case dates back to September 20, but the news only came to light last weekend due to censorship imposed by Beijing. In addition to the victims, there are thousands of intoxicated people.


The death toll rises to 43 attempt on September 30 against a school in Kabul (Afghanistan), which is attended by the Shiite Hazara Muslim minority. According to the UN mission, the majority of the victims are women, and there are 83 wounded. For the moment, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but suspicions converge on Isis.


Colombo cuts taxes on hygiene products in order to support women in the dramatic economic crisis that the country is going through. Close to 50% (equivalent to 5.3 million people of reproductive age) had to stay home during their menstrual period because they could not afford sanitary pads. Today, the situation has worsened and the figure has risen to 70% due to inflation and the lack of basic necessities.


Over the weekend, the Apostolic Nuncio in Cambodia, Bishop Paul Tschang In-Nam, presided over the investiture mass of Bishop Pierre Suon Hangly as Prefect Apostolic of Kampong Cham. He is the first native ordinary bishop of the region, after two missionaries. The mass was attended by 60 priests and numerous faithful, in an event that the local Church defines as “historic”.


Russia’s sanatoriums and nursing homes are trying to reorganize their activity: instead of post-Covid rehabilitation programs – which no longer attract customers – now. apply for grants to shelter the wounded and traumatized by war. In general, Russia shows an increase in domestic tourism, as a form of reaction to the stress of war.


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan complained that some states did not supply the weapons acquired by Armenia to defend “territories occupied by Azerbaijan”. Although the president did not specify which countries are involved, it is known that the largest supplier of arms to Yerevan is Russia, followed by India, for a value of almost 260 million euros.

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