economy and politics

Taiwan, United States, Japan and Australia hold seminar on sustainable aviation

Taiwan, United States, Japan and Australia hold seminar on sustainable aviation

Taiwan, the United States, Japan and Australia carried out a seminar under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) which highlighted the commitment of governments to strengthen aviation security and promote greener and safer aviation for the international community.

Said seminar, held in physical and virtual format, was held on the sidelines of the 41st Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which takes place from September 27 to October 7 in Canada.

The GCTF event was attended by 100 officials and experts from 14 countries and the European Union.

In it, Taiwanese Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu noted that his country is an important part of the international aviation community and is committed to complying with ICAO regulations and maintaining the highest levels of aviation safety. .

“The recent live-fire military exercises carried out by China in the air and sea space around Taiwan have seriously jeopardized global and regional aviation security, highlighting the need for ICAO to include the nation so that the civil aviation authorities of the Flight Information Regions around the world can work together to safeguard international aviation security”, declared the Taiwanese minister.

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Harry HJ Tseng, the Taiwanese representative to the EU, took the opportunity to thank like-minded partners for their continued support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN specialized agency.

For his part, the US Chargé d’Affaires to ICAO, Brent Christensen, stated that Taiwan’s exclusion from ICAO prevents global benefits, while Larson stated that the nation is a reliable partner and that the US will continue to support new contributions from the nation.

Finally, the director of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, Izumi Hiroyasu, praised the efforts made by the Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration, subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the airlines to promote the sustainable development of the aviation.

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