
‘We have to continue exporting oil’: Ocampo, minHacienda de Petro

José Antonio Ocampo would be the Minister of Finance of the Petro government

Jose Antonio Ocampo the Minister of Finance of the Government of Gustavo Petro, gave statements on the hydrocarbon sector. For Ocampo, the country must continue to export oil and search for more gas.

(Who is José Antonio Ocampo, Minister of Finance of the Petro government).

In a conversation with Noticias Caracol, the economist pointed out that “Colombia has to explore more and look for more gas, that is essential. Gas reserves are very short.”

(José Antonio Ocampo will be the Minister of Finance of the Petro government).

On PetroleumOcampo said that there are 180 signed contracts, and “first we have to see if that is enough.” And he added that “self-sufficiency is a clear objective, we even have to continue exporting oilbecause otherwise the balance of payments problem becomes unmanageable”.

In this regard, it is worth remembering that, during the campaign, Gustavo Petro stated that if he became president, he would not allow fracking or give more oil exploration and extraction contracts. Later, he proposed to the businessmen a 12-year transition to carry it out.


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