
Thousands of people protest in the world in support of the demonstrations in Iran

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From Sydney to London, thousands of people marched to condemn the death of young Mahsa Amini in police custody and called for the freedoms of the Iranian people. Protesters in dozens of cities around the world denounced that the Tehran regime represses, murders and violates the human rights of the population.

Carrying posters, photos of Mahsa Amini and flags, thousands of people took to the streets of cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Rome, Bern, Brussels, Paris or London to protest against the repression and human rights violations of the Government of Iran.

The massive demonstrations continued this weekend in numerous areas of the globe, motivated, first of all, by the death of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old girl who died on September 14 after the Moral Police arrested her for wearing the veil with which Iranian women cover their hair wrongly; but the protests also sought to condemn the strong repression of the Iranian Executive.

During the protest in the Australian city of Sydney, protesters chanted various slogans and assured that “women in Iran, the people of Iran and all of us have said ‘enough’. The time has come. We say ‘no more, no more'” .

Hundreds of people protested in the streets of the Australian city of Sydney demanding justice for Mahsa Amini and freedom for the Iranian people.  October 1, 2022.
Hundreds of people protested in the streets of the Australian city of Sydney demanding justice for Mahsa Amini and freedom for the Iranian people. October 1, 2022. © Paul Braven / EFE

Meanwhile, in Melbourne, an Iranian protester said that “many people have died in my country. There are protests in the streets because people just want freedom. That’s it and that’s why we are here, to support them. We don’t want this regime in Iran.”

In turn, another Iranian citizen assured that “the Iranian Republic is not a republic. They only kill our brothers and sisters in the streets because they are demanding their freedom and their fundamental rights.”

In Europe, one of the largest concentrations was in London. Thousands of people gathered in the British capital’s Trafalgar Square, waving Iranian flags. Some women from Iran were among the protesters but asked not to be identified by journalists for fear of possible reprisals from the authorities of their country.

“I protest in favor of the freedom of women in Iran. I am ashamed of this government that did nothing like other countries,” said one of the members of the protest.

Likewise, in Paris, the French capital, hundreds of people gathered in the center of the city in solidarity with the Iranian people and carried photos not only of Amini but also of some of the protesters who have died in the midst of the uninterrupted protests that They have already entered their third week in Tehran and other Iranian provinces.

Behzad Naziri, a member of the National Council of Iranian Resistance, stressed that “the figures are biased.” “We have been told that more than 300 people have died since the beginning of the protests, 15 days ago. There are more than 15,000 arrested and arbitrary arrests have been registered, in addition, many prisoners have been tortured,” he denounced.

Women carry photos of Mahsa Amini during the protest in central Paris calling for the freedom of the Iranian people.  October 1, 2022.
Women carry photos of Mahsa Amini during the protest in central Paris calling for the freedom of the Iranian people. October 1, 2022. © EFE / Yoan Valat

Protests in Iran enter their third week despite strong government repression

While in 80 cities around the world there have been protests in support of Iran, within Iranian territory the mobilizations and strikes do not stop despite the strong repression of the regime.

This Saturday, hundreds of people took to the streets of Iranian Kurdistan but protests were also reported in Tehran, Isfahan, Rasht and Shiraz, as could be seen in videos posted on social networks.

In the capital’s traditional Bazaar district, protesters chanted “we will be killed one by one if we don’t unite.” In another part of the same sector, they blocked a main road with a fence.

At the same time, dozens of students demonstrated at various universities. At the University of Tehran, dozens of people were arrested, as well as in a square near the educational compound.

According to the NGO Amnesty International, at least 52 people have been killed in the two weeks of protests inside Iran, while hundreds have been injured.

With Reuters and EFE

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