economy and politics

ERC proposes to Congress to raise all salaries of up to 3,150 euros with the IPC

ERC proposes to Congress to raise all salaries of up to 3,150 euros with the IPC

Sep. 25 () –

Esquerra Republicana (ERC) will defend this Tuesday before the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies the revaluation with the CPI of the salary of all workers who receive less than three times the minimum wage (3,150 euros in 14 payments) and of all workers in the sector public.

To ensure the financing of the revaluation of public salaries, ERC proposes that the next General State Budgets contemplate a fund that serves all public administrations.

The proposal is part of a non-law proposal registered this September and in which ERC demands “an extraordinary intervention by the public powers” to guarantee the maintenance of the purchasing power of the working class and its capacity to consume in the price crisis.

Esquerra justifies this action under the protection of the Constitution itself, international and community legislation to ensure equitable and sufficient remuneration for workers and the Sustainable Development Goals themselves.


Specifically, it asks to provide, through a regulation with the force of law and with effect from January 1, 2023, the revaluation of all employed workers with wages that do not reach three times the minimum wage (3,150 euros in 14 payments), for a percentage equivalent to the increase in the CPI of its autonomous community.

Likewise, promote a fund to finance in the next Budgets through current transfers the increase in wages for all workers in the public sector in an equivalent percentage.

Finally, they ask to increase the Iprem (Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects), used as a reference for the granting of aid or subsidies, “up to the amount equivalent to the poverty threshold of each community.”

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