Science and Tech

What are some of the most curious Google offices in the world like?

What are some of the most curious Google offices in the world like?

What are Google offices like?

As an employer brand, Google became an aspirational company. The range of amenities in its offices placed it in the eye of applicants looking for an opportunity to join the ranks of the main subsidiary of the American Alphabet.

In a tour that Google took in its Los Angeles office, the technology company explained how each space of what was once the hangar of the Hughes H4-Hecules, popularly known as the Spruce Goose, has been designed. The plane was the largest wooden ship built in history and after falling into disuse this space was acquired by the technology company to house one of the largest offices it has in the United States.

The more than 40,000 square meters house everything from a cafeteria to an Arcade room and board games, as well as a space to create music where Googlers have different instruments available to practice.

But in addition to this iconic space, the company has some notable offices around the world.

For example, in Dublin, the company’s employees can enjoy an indoor pool and several restaurants. While in Amsterdam there are the tributes that best pay homage to the founding of the brand, as they simulate Susan Wojcicki’s garage in California.

Another of the most iconic offices is in New York, located exactly in front of the Chelsea Market, this technology compound houses its only official store and several YouTube studios. While in London, the company has a building with balconies that allow you to see the British city in its splendor, as well as offering a gym space and interior gardens.

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