economy and politics

Dollar in Colombia closed the day below $4,400

Dollar in Colombia closed the day below $4,400

Like the closing on Wednesday, this Thursday, September 22, 2022, the dollar in Colombia registered downward movements, and, for the first time in the week, It was below $4,400.

At 9:29 am, the currency was quoted at $4,388.57, 15.25 pesos less than the Representative Market Rate of the day, which was $4,403.82.

(Devaluation of the peso doubles the stay of tourists in Colombia).

The foreign currency reported an opening price of $4,376 and achieved a high of $4,397.95 and a low of $4,365.10.

And, at the end of the day, its average trading price was 4,381.71 pesos, 22.11 pesos less than the TRM.

On Wednesday, the US currency fell 16.4 pesos against the TRM, which was $4,420.38 and closed with an average price of $4,403.98.

The last time it was below 4,400 pesos was on September 15, when the TRM for that day was $4,389.80.

(The dollar achieved its highest value against the euro in almost 20 years.)

Although the dollar recorded declines in Colombia, worldwide it continues with record prices. For example, rose again against the euro, gaining 0.24% and trading at $0.9814 per euro, after reaching as high as $0.9809, a high since October 2002.


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