Sep. 22 () –
The President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelensky, has appealed this Wednesday before the UN General Assembly to prohibit Russia from voting in international organizations and to exercise its veto in the United Nations Security Council.
“As long as the aggressor is part of decision-making in international organizations, he must be isolated from them, at least until the aggression lasts. Reject the right to vote. Deprive him of the rights of delegation or eliminate the right of veto”, the Ukrainian president expressed during his speech.
In addition, Zelensky has proposed the creation of a “Special Court” to punish Russia for attacking a State, alleging that it would become “a signal to all possible aggressors”, as well as the creation of an international compensation mechanism for attacked states.
In this sense, he has underlined the importance of not “turning a blind eye to the propagandists who justify the aggression”, but to apply a package of personal restrictions, something that he has described as “a punishment for lying”.
“Citizens of the aggressor state should not be allowed to enjoy tourism or shopping in the territory of those who value peace, but should be encouraged through visa restrictions to fight against aggression from their own state,” he said. Added the President of Ukraine.
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