Science and Tech

Digital innovation, energy competitiveness and sustainability drive the 10th edition of the enerTIC congress

Digital innovation, energy competitiveness and sustainability drive the 10th edition of the enerTIC congress

21 Sep. (Portaltic/EP) –

Digital innovation, energy competitiveness and sustainability will mark the 10th edition of the platform’s annual Congress energyTIC,, which will be held on November 16 and 17 at the IFEMA North Convention Center and which expects to bring together more than 2,500 professionals, as the organizers have explained in a statement.

This new edition of the Congress, under the title ‘Innovation digital at the service of energy competitiveness’, will revolve around three fundamental pillars: technological solutions, provided by consultants and specialized companies; solutions provided by energy companies; and open innovation, catalyzed by the tractor effect of the Next Generation EU Funds.

From the Platform, which promotes energy efficiency and digitization with the collaboration of its more than 80 associated companiesexplain that the Congress will have on this occasion two large auditoriums (strategic and technological approaches) and different collaborative spaces in areas such as Energy & Utilities, Industries & Mobility, IT Infrastructure & Data Center and Territories & Cities, focused on innovation, technology and the search for synergies and networking.

In this framework, they will share innovative solutions and success stories, B2B meetings and European funds will be held and the startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem will be accommodated. “A unique opportunity to meet the main ‘stakeholders’, detect opportunities and share experiences with other directors committed to efficiency and sustainability”, say the organizers.

The enerTIC platform ensures that Spain “is a benchmark and has experienced companies with recognized technological leadership to contribute to the decarbonization of the economy, the energy transition and the improvement of business competitiveness”. In this sense, he adds that -according to data from the survey carried out last semester- 80 percent of managers have already become aware of the strong impact that the energy and digital transition is having on business models.

EnerTIC carries more than 10 years promoting knowledge and experience in technological and digitization solutions to improve energy efficiency through its annual activity planwhose work and results converge in its congress,, which is sponsored by companies such as Capgemini, DTC Mission, Ibermática, Inetum, Minsait, Barbara IoT, Google Cloud, Shell, Amplia iiot, Babel, DXC Technology, ECOMT , ENGIE, Esri, GMV, MathWorks and Vass.

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