Science and Tech

Sea sponges sneeze to remove debris.

Sea sponges sneeze to remove debris.


A group of researchers, led by the University of Amsterdam (Holland), has discovered that porifera or sea sponges, one of the most multicellular organisms ancient that exist, ‘sneeze’ to unclog their internal filtering systems. The results are published in the magazine Current Biology.

Although such behavior has been known for years, their findings show that through this act of expulsion the sponges eliminate the materials that cannot be used. “Our data suggest that ‘sneezing’ is a adaptation that sponges evolved to keep themselves clean”it states Jasper of Goeija marine biologist at the University of Amsterdam and lead author of the paper.

“Of course, sponges do not sneeze like humans”explains de Goeij. “In the case of the former, each sneeze takes approximately half an hour to complete. However, in both organisms the act exists as a waste disposal mechanism.continues the researcher.

A very useful mechanism

For filter food, sponges suck in and expel water from different openings. “It must be taken into account that these are organisms motionlesswho do not have the ability to moveGoeij account. “When the water around them is dirty and the suspended particles are too large, sponges can’t just move to another place. This is where the ‘sneeze’ mechanism comes in handy”Add.

“We observed that the mucus −full of filtration waste− continually came out of the entrance openings of the water (not the exit ones, as we would have imagined) and was slowly transported towards the surface of the sponge. Every 3 to 8 hoursthe animal contracted and then relaxed its superficial tissues, pushing the secretions towards the surrounding water”, account to SINC Niklas Konder, first author of the study.

“Until now it was thought that this mechanism served to regulate the flow of water. However, thanks to those ‘sneezes’, the accumulated debris came off, leaving a clean surface”, adds the researcher. “We also observed that some fish and other animals that live with the sponges use this mucus as food. There is something of organic material in the water around the coral reef, but most of it is not concentrated enough for animals to eat. The sponges transform this material into mucus. edible”, keep going.

Sponges: a far from simple organism

Researchers have studied two species, the Caribbean Aplysina archeri and another from the Indo-Pacific belonging to the genus Chelonaplysilla. “But we think most, if not all, sponges sneeze.”Kornder says. “However, there are still many aspects of this physiological mechanism that are not known and need to be studied more extensively.”Kornder adds.

“There are many scientists who think that sponges are very simple organisms, but most of the time we are surprised by the flexibility they show for adapt to your environment”comments de Goeij. “The similarity between the sneezes of sponges and humans is fascinating. He highlights how two animals at opposite ends of the evolutionary scale They are cleaned the same way.Kornder concludes.

Font: Iole Ferrara / SINC Agency

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