
Ubisoft announced 5 Assassin’s Creed games, but also works on 1 more

Although several companies will not go to gamescom 2022, Ubisoft confirms attendance

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Today Ubisoft revealed that to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Assassin’s Creed has several games in the series in development. In Ubisoft Forward the company announced 5, which for many are already enough (not counting more multimedia projects), however, the truth is that the company has one more in development, which will offer a multiplayer experience.

You read that right, what you saw at Ubisoft Forward is not all that lies ahead for Assassin’s Creed. The French company did not speak of him in this regard, but in a meeting with the media at its headquarters, it announced 1 more title.

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Codename Invictus: the new Assassin’s Creed multiplayer

We are talking about Assassin’s Creed: Codename Invictus, a title that Ubisoft omitted from this weekend’s presentation. If the company announced games without presenting anything of them, like the one that will come to Netflix Games, it is not known why it did not reveal at least the code name, as it did with Codename Network Y Codename Hexe. However, judging by the statements of Marc-Alexis Côté, creative director of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and producer of Assassin’s Creed Odysseyapparently Ubisoft wanted to focus on single player experiences.

“I want to assure fans that we are committed to our solo player games, whether [Codename] Neteither hexwhich are like the biggest investments we’ve ever made in single-player games at this company,” Côté said (via Video Games Chronicle).

According to the first details, it is the new multiplayer of the franchise, which will be developed by Ubisoft, specifically by personnel behind projects such as For Honor Y Rainbow Six Siege (via Axios).

In case you missed it: Ubisoft prepares a project that seeks to unify experiences Assassin’s Creed through the Animus.

Ubisoft wants to offer a Assassin’s Creed with dedicated multiplayer

the universe of Assassin’s Creed is very big and the possibilities offered by the Animus with respect to the players are very large. Thus, Côté expresses that the franchise can branch out into multiple experiences and one of them is multiplayer.

The director recalled how inaccessible the multiplayer experiences of the series have been and reflected on the possibility of offering something that can be better addressed and that appeals to a larger market. It was not confirmed explicitly, but based on the information, it could point to the implementation of a model as a service that allows the title to evolve constantly (not to be confused with the previous multiplayer in the series).

Like hex Y Netit will be possible to access Undefeatedan independent or standalone game, through infinity. Something very interesting is that, according to Game InformerUbisoft presented the title with concept art that includes the protagonist and enemies from the future and past of the series, such as the minotaur, and it was hinted that it will be possible to see them or perhaps even control them in this game.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft did not show anything about this project in its Ubisoft Forward presentation, and limited itself to revealing its code name to some media: Assassin’s Creed: Codename Invictusas well as these initial details.

The company promised that it will show more about the game in the future. We will keep you informed.

What do you think of the new multiplayer of Assassin’s Creed? Tell us in the comments.

You can find more news related to Assassin’s Creed if you visit this page.

Related video: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – “The Forgotten Saga” Game Mode Launch Trailer

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