economy and politics

Life expectancy fell in Colombia 4 years since 2019

Older adults

Since 1990, when the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) presented the first Human Development Index (HDI) -which measures the health, education and living conditions of countries-, there had been no evidence of a global decline in well-being for two consecutive years as shown by the report that has just been presented and in which Colombia showed a decrease in life expectancy.

(Read: 58% of unemployed did not complete high school).

The document ‘Uncertain times and unstable lives, defining our future in a world in transformation’, says that the expectancy at birth fell 4 years for Colombia between 2019 and 2021 from 76.8 years to 72.8 years.

Meanwhile, the countries of the Latin American region on average reduced 3 years in life expectancy at birth. And in the world presented a 2-year reduction in life expectancy.

The report says that human development has regressed to 2016 levels, reversing much of the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Recoil is practically universal, since more than 90% of countries register a deterioration of their HDI levels in 2020 or in 2021and more than 40% in both years, a demonstration that the crisis continues to worsen for many.

(Also: Latin banks, less exposed to limited financial conditions).

The report shows that Colombia ranked 88th in the HDI ranking with an index value of 0.752. This result shows a slight decrease compared to 2020 (0.759). Nevertheless, Colombia remains in 88th place in the ranking.

This platform, which since its creation has helped more than 1,500 older adults to become ‘old age’, plans in the long term to expand this digitization proposal to other countries.

private file

Countries in the Latin American region such as Chile, Mexico, Peru and Brazil occupy better positions than Colombia.

It also mentions that the increase in monetary poverty (35.7% in 2019 to 39.3% in 2021) leaves a total of 19.6 million poor in Colombia.

The HDI says that in matters of schooling for the country there are no substantial changes in expected years of schooling and average years of schooling in the last 3 years considered.

Likewise, income in general did not vary much compared to 2019 in Colombia, Latin America and the world. However, the report states that a significant decline is reflected in 2020 and then a recovery. It is not considered here issues of inequality that could show another reality in each country.

(Keep reading: The requests that Petro made to strengthen the popular economy).

Colombia is currently at levels similar to the average for Latin America (0.754) and for highly developed countries in the world (0.755). In general, Colombia’s HDI for 2021 is above the world average (0.732).


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