economy and politics

Virtual workshop for AP trade negotiators: “Gender approach in trade agreements”

– Virtual workshop for AP trade negotiators: “Gender approach in trade agreements”

– Date: August 23

– program: attached

– Speakers: Alicia Frohmann and Ximena Olmos, ECLAC consultants

– powerpoint presentation: attached

– descriptive: The gender approach in trade policy has increasingly positioned itself on the international agenda, both in the WTO and in bilateral and regional trade agreements. Latin America has been a pioneer region in the inclusion of gender chapters in trade agreements.

Even though the Trade Protocol of the Pacific Alliance does not include a gender chapter, the PA has been assuming commitments on trade and gender. The Heads of State have given the mandate to mainstream the gender approach in all the initiatives of the Alliance. On the other hand, the agreement signed by the Alliance with Singapore and the negotiations with the associated countries include a gender chapter, and the four countries are part of the Global Gender and Trade Agreement (GTAGA), together with Canada and New Zealand. The gender chapters of the bilateral agreements signed by some Latin American countries reaffirm the rights of women and mainly contemplate cooperative activities.

This workshop will address some proposals on how to transversally incorporate gender commitments in the disciplines of different chapters of trade agreements, with commitments of gender non-discrimination, reservations and non-conforming measures, affirmative actions, among others.

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