economy and politics

Eight out of 10 Colombians use WhatsApp to communicate

Eight out of 10 Colombians use WhatsApp to communicate

The Telefónica Movistar company, within the framework of the International ICT Congress, Andicom, presented the study ‘The Importance of Human Connections’which aimed to identify how Colombians relate to each other.

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Among the main findings of the survey it was highlighted that 77% of the participants considered that technology has allowed them to maintain and transform their interpersonal relationships. Likewise, 68% pointed to the role of social networks in doing so.

“Our purpose is to connect people’s lives and for this it is essential to understand the way in which, as humans, we generate connections. Knowing how we relate to each other and recognizing that, in this context, technology plays an essential role and ratifies our reason for being as a company”, commented Fabián Hernández, president-CEO of Telefónica Movistar.

When the contrast is analyzed by generation, 81% of those surveyed from generation Z (18 to 25 years old) pointed out that technology helps support their interpersonal relationships; as it is for 79% of the participants of generation Y (26 to 36 years old) and generation X (36 to 50 years old), while for Baby boomers (51 to 65 years old) it is 71%, “evidencing that, despite the generation gap, technology retains a relevant role”.

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Faced with how Colombians “prefer to connect”, WhatsApp stands out among the tools most used by Colombians with 75%followed by contact in person with 71%, phone calls with 33%, Facebook with 30%, Video calls with 26%, Instagram (11%), among others.

It should be noted that for 67% of the participants, being connected is understood as something positive, “since this allows them to socialize, bond, share experiences and interests and form a community.”

However, the main concrete actions that make this connection possible are spending time with family and friends, connecting to social networks, being available all the time from any device, listening to music, among others.

Finally, when it comes to disconnection, the report showed that “it becomes necessary when there are situations of stress and saturation”, which is why 72% of the participants considered it vital to disconnect, taking into account that this does not imply detaching from technology, since that, for example, for generation Z, Y, X “the entertainment and services offered through digital platforms allow them to disconnect”, here streaming platforms for video and audio stand out.

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Another of the points addressed by the Movistar study focused on the importance of personal relationships. According to the participants, feeling good, being part of something, sharing, listening and learning are fundamental elements “to enable relationships and consolidate interpersonal bonds that satisfy from the most basic need to security or self-realization needs.”

Now, respect and trust are decisive to generate and be considered within a quality relationship, having a relevance of 76% and 65% respectively. This is how 82% of those surveyed said they were “too selective when it comes to accepting someone within what they consider to be their quality relationships.”


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