Science and Tech

NASA delays the launch of Artemis I again, now due to a hydrogen leak

NASA delays the launch of Artemis I again, now due to a hydrogen leak

NASA is running out of time and they could make one last attempt next Monday, September 5.

The second time was not the charm either, and NASA has been forced, again, to cancel the second attempt to launch Artemis I due to a leak in the fuel tankafter its engineers failed to repair it during the last few minutes before launch.

During the filling of the Artemis I mission, a leak occurred on the supply side of the 8-inch quick disconnect while attempting to transfer fuel to the rocket. Attempts to fix it so far have been unsuccessful.”, Explain NASA in a message on Twitter.

It seems that the team made up to three attempts to solve the problem, but they detected a leak after each of the attempts and, after the third time, the engineers recommended that the launch not be carried out, shortly after confirmed by NASA before the surprise of media and fans.

This is the second time this has happened, because last August 29, citing problems with the engine purge system intended to help the engines reach the proper temperature before takeoff, the mission was also canceled until further notice. On that occasion, a hydrogen leak was also detected during the launch attempt.

Now there is some uncertainty as to when the next release window will be, that many place for next Monday, September 5 but, after that date, if the launch does not take place, the mission could be delayed for months.

The uncrewed Artemis I mission will be the first flight of NASA’s next-generation Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and will consist of a flyby of the Moon that will take it just 100 km from the lunar surface. The success, or not, of this Artemis I mission will pave the way for Artemis II, which follows the same path but with flesh and blood astronauts on a mission that could take place in 2025.

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