economy and politics

ECLAC publishes diagnosis on gender in mining in the Plurinational State of Bolivia

The Natural Resources Division (DRN) of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has published the executive summary of the report “Mining and Gender in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: Diagnosis and Perspectives”, which comprehensively addresses gender gaps in the Bolivian mining sector.

He document offers an in-depth analysis of the situation of women in mining and highlights the inequalities present in terms of participation, economic opportunities and working conditions. It also summarizes the main findings of the diagnosis carried out as part of the joint technical assistance of ECLAC and German Cooperation to the Ministry of Mining and Metallurgy of Bolivia, within the framework of the MinSus/GIZ Program. This effort involved an extensive process of multi-stakeholder dialogues, an international seminar, and capacity-building activities aimed at public officials in the sector.

The investigation identifies structural, regulatory and cultural barriers that limit women’s participation in the mining sector and points out how these inequalities are reflected in access to resources, job opportunities and decision making. Likewise, the study highlights the importance of integrating the gender perspective into public mining policies to promote a more inclusive, sustainable and socially responsible environment.

The publication highlights five strategic axes that will guide efforts towards gender equity in Bolivian mining: (1) equal participation in decision-making, (2) economic autonomy and job security, (3) an organizational culture of equity, (4) sustainable development of mining territories, and (5) greater inter-institutional and multi-sector coordination. These axes address current challenges and establish a solid basis for the formulation of a comprehensive public gender policy in the sector.

He document It reflects, in particular, the commitment of the Vice Ministry of Mining Policy of Bolivia to advance the adoption of inclusive policies, and is a key tool to socialize the diagnosis of gender gaps in the Bolivian mining sector and open the debate for a structural transformation to close them.

He report It is available on the ECLAC website and in its digital repository. Those interested can access the complete document through the following link: Mining and Gender in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: Diagnosis and Perspectives. The publication is part of ECLAC’s ongoing efforts to promote gender equity in the region’s strategic sectors, in collaboration with governments and key actors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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