The Provincial Court of Madrid supports investigating Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government, for the creation and development of the chair that she co-directed at the Complutense University of Madrid. The court reverses the decision of a court in the capital that, last September, rejected a complaint filed by Vox that attributed to Gómez a crime of influence peddling for alleged irregularities in software developed for that chair.
The resolution, dated December 11, leaves that order “without effect” and agrees to refer the case to Judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who has been investigating Gómez since last April and who already has an open line of investigation into these events. The order, signed by judges Eduardo Bermúdez, Rosa Esperanza Rebollo and Juan José Escalonilla, leaves the decision on whether or not to admit the complaint in the hands of Peinado.
The Vox complaint stated that Gómez would have taken advantage of that chair “for his personal purposes, through the company Transforma TSC.” Santiago Abascal’s party aimed at the use of public funds for the development of a management and impact measurement platform for small and medium-sized businesses in the UCM, which Gómez would have subsequently used for a company for the aforementioned TSC, a company his name.
However, Judge Coro Monreal decided to reject it, concluding that the wife of the President of the Government could not exert “any influence” on the official who issued the resolution referred to in the complaint or on the hiring table. Now, the Provincial Court of Madrid reverses that decision.
The software that several companies created for Gómez’s chair at the Complutense has been part of the case led by Judge Peinado against the wife of the President of the Government for months. Months ago, the magistrate already incorporated a complaint from HazteOir against Gómez into the case for these events, one of the main points within the investigation in which he analyzes his employment relationship with the Complutense.
The case against the wife of the head of the Executive began in April of last year after a complaint from the ultra pseudo-union Clean Hands in which Gómez was accused of obtaining favorable treatment for a businessman, Juan Carlos Barrabés, in public awards through letters. of support, in addition to allegedly having rigged the million-dollar bailout of Air Europa. After the incorporation of new popular accusations such as Vox, HazteOir or Iustitia Europa, the case turned towards his relationship with the Complutense University, where he had two master’s degrees and co-directed a professorship, in addition to his work at the Business Institute.
In the case of the Complutense, Peinado investigates whether Gómez obtained favorable treatment from the center for being the wife of the President of the Government, something that both the university itself and the rector, Joaquín Goyache, have denied on several occasions. The only administrative irregularity, resolved internally at the educational center, was the awarding of a contract within its department. Regarding the software, the Complutense acknowledged that it had no evidence that any irregularity had been committed and that Gómez had not registered it in her name: she herself explained that, following the university’s advice, she hosted it on a website of her own. property but without any option to monetize or appropriate it.
The wife of the President of the Government appeared as a defendant last December and denied all irregularities or favored treatment attributed to her. Before Judge Peinado, Gómez insisted that she did not appropriate any software and that she never received or asked for favorable treatment from the center.
The list of defendants in the case has grown in the last month with the incorporation of Juan José Güemes to the list that was already completed by Gómez herself, the businessman Juan Carlos Barrabés and the rector Joaquín Goyache. The former counselor of Esperanza Aguirre in the Community of Madrid and director of the IE was charged after categorically denying that he hired Begoña Gómez because she was the wife of the President of the Government, something that he reiterated in his second summons as an investigation. The last ramification that the judge has decided to develop is whether Gómez irregularly had the assistance of an advisor from Moncloa to exchange emails with the Complutense.
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