Aug. 29 (EUROPA PRESS) –
A total of 16 human rights defense groups have urged the Houthi forces on Monday to open “immediately” the “vital” roads in and around Taiz, the third largest city in Yemen, with the aim of avoiding further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis suffered by the inhabitants.
“Houthi restrictions have forced civilians to use dangerous and poorly maintained mountain roads that are the only connection between the besieged population of the city of Taiz and the rest of the world,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director. and North Africa from Human Right Watch (HRW).
Along these lines, Page has stated that “opening the main roads would help enormously to alleviate the suffering of a population that has been in almost total isolation for seven years”, since the main roads into and out of the city have been closed. since 2015.
“Taiz has become nothing more than a card on the negotiating table. Civilians are paying a high cost to exercise their right of movement and access basic needs such as food, water and basic materials,” said Radhya Al Mutwakel, President of the Yemeni NGO Mwatana for Human Rights.
Mutwakel added that the armed group “must put an immediate end to the undue restrictions” so that “all Yemeni civilians can travel freely in their country”.
Thus, the organizations have asked the Houthi forces to guarantee that all civilians safely leave any area of ​​potential danger, while indicating that any restriction on freedom of movement has to be temporary “and for reasons of imperative military necessity” .
They must also ensure the free and safe movement of humanitarian personnel to facilitate the delivery of food, medical supplies and essential products.
In the negotiations for the truce that have been in force since April 2, the United Nations included a provision to “invite the parties to a meeting to agree on the opening of roads.”
However, after promoting a gradual reopening, the Houthi forces have repeatedly rejected the proposal. Progress in these negotiations “remains elusive, despite efforts,” the NGOs denounce.
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