economy and politics

CPI Colombia 2025: the services and products that would increase or decrease in price


In the last days of 2024, the National Government led by Gustavo Petro decreed the increase in the minimum wage for 2025. Not only this issue was taken into consideration but also that related to inflation, an economic indicator that will impact the Consumer Price Index (CPI) projected for this new year. ¿cwhats Are the services and products that will increase or decrease in price?

As reported Bloomberg Online, The Consumer Price Index for this new period would have a projection close to more than 5%an amount that will immediately impact the values ​​of goods and services throughout the national territory.

In order to prevent inflation from increasing, The Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, announced at a press conference that at least 188 products that make up the basic consumer basket for Colombian households will not have increases in the immediate future. These are the products that will not have modifications:

(See more: Pay attention: these people will have free TransMilenio tickets in 2025


-Hot drinks (coffee with milk, chocolate, tea, etc.).

-Cinemas and theaters.

-Meals in table service establishments.

-Purchase and change oil.


-Soda and other soft drinks in table service and self-service establishments.

-Expenditure on services of owner-occupied housing.

-Maintenance and repairs carried out in workshops.

-Complete tourist packages.

-Domestic service.

-Fixed and mobile communication services (including the internet).

-Hairdressing and personal care services.

-Public services (water, electricity and gas).

-Network and cable television subscription and service.

-Transportation of passengers and luggage by plane (includes payments for excess luggage).

-School transportation.

-Intermunicipal transportation.

However, it is important to highlight the impacts that some services will have during 2025:
Transmilenio: starting January 18, the ticket will cost $3,200, an increase of 250 pesos compared to last year’s values.

– Tolls:
The increase will reach 60% and began to be collected on January 1.
Traffic fines – it is noted that the most expensive fine will be type F, which is related to when a driver drives under the influence of alcohol. In this sense, the amount you will have to pay will be close to $3,623,000.

– Notarial rights:
Keep in mind that in 2025, establishing a company will cost $56,940, granting a power of attorney will cost $23,725, and applying for a mortgage will cost $85,410.

– EPS moderator fees:
They will be calculated in consideration of the Minimum Wage of each citizen and will be collected on a mandatory basis. At the moment there are some entities that have not ratified the figures for their members.

The Financial Superintendency of Colombia confirmed an adjustment in rates. In this sense, he indicated that this time of changes is related to the decrease in accidents and of course an increase in the vehicle fleet that is insured.

Services that will have increases in 2025


How is the CPI calculated?

The Bank of the Republic Through its website it highlighted that the entity that makes this type of calculations is DANE.

(See more:
This is the Banco Agrario link to consult the payment of Citizen Income)

“Its publication occurs on the fifth business day of each month and includes information on the variation in consumer prices that occurred in the country during the immediately preceding month.
(first to last day of the month), for the year to date (January 1 to the last day of the calculation month) and for the last twelve months,” they add.

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